New App Available: Movylo
Peter Bell • Jun 23, 2021

You can now automatically capture leads from your website and social media accounts with Movylo, the newest app in Avanty’s app store. Read on to learn more.

Movylo automatically nurtures a business’s customer list to keep potential customers engaged with the business and motivated to buy more in-store and online. Movlyo helps you keep your customers engaged with your content, products and services on platforms such as Facebook, Google, Instagram, and many more by giving you a digital marketing team in a box. After capturing the leads, you can automatically engage with visitors using AutoPilot, Movylo’s marketing automation engine. And in the case you're unsure whether this app will be beneficial or you're not sure if you'll get on with the system, it comes with a 90-day free trial so you can test drive it.

To learn more about the Movylo app and how it could benefit your business, click HERE.

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