7 Reasons Why Customers Aren't Buying From You
Dionne Morrish • November 3, 2021

No matter how good you are at selling, you will never achieve a 100% sales record. But if you’re consistently losing deals you should have won, there’s probably a reason or two as to why. We know it can be frustrating to lose sales but fortunately once you diagnose the reason for it, you can easily improve your process, and ultimately, your results! Exactly what you want to do.

Here are 7 possible reasons why you're not selling, and how you can change fix them:

You’re trying to sell to everyone

It's about quality, not quantity... if your prospects aren’t buying from you, it's important for you to reevaluate the quality of your opportunities. Have you carefully targeted these people? Do you know why they’re good fits for what you have to offer? Or are you simply trying to sell to anyone and everyone who shows the slightest bit of interest in your product and/or service?

So narrow down the people you're reach out to. While it might seem counterintuitive to walk away from anyone, narrowing your focus to the most qualified will make you more successful in terms of sales.

You’re driving your customers away

There’s a reason why people rarely answer calls from unknown numbers... they don’t want to be sold to. You're probably the same... sit there, watching your phone ring as an unknown number highlights your phone and you wait to see if they leave a voicemail. Oh and you probably copy and paste the number into Google to see what information you can find out. I bet you do - I certainly do! And if people use email as a spamming tool, rather than a means of genuine communication with customers, messages from strangers will begin to go unanswered/ignored.

So stop pestering your potential customers. Instead, be yourself and provide real value. Learn as much as you can about them so you don’t waste their time asking for basic information. Being authentic will get you a long way - people buy into people, so flaunt your personality and shine bright!

You’re not creating enough urgency

Your products and services may be your primary focus when it comes to your sales process, but to your potential customers it’s just another thing fighting for their attention. So without a reason to buy now rather than later, the deal isn't likely to go through.

So inform them why thy should buy or subscribe NOW, TODAY and asap! Try saying things like:

  • For today only you can save £99.99 off your purchase
  • This month we have 15% off
  • It's buy one get one FREE for this weekend only
  • For the next 4 hours, everything is half price!

You aren’t listening to them

Active listening is a key skill every salesperson needs to adopt. If your potential customer gets all the way to the end of your sales process and says "this isn’t for me", somewhere along your sales line there was a missed opportunity.

If your conversations with your potential customers tend to be one-sided (meaning you’re doing all the talking instead of having a back and forth conversation with them), you can likely achieve better results by incorporating active listening practices during your conversation. So make sure you take the time to:

  • Ask thoughtful questions to help the potential customer communicate with you.
  • Pause throughout the conversation to give them time and space to talk.
  • Repeat back what you heard them say to confirm you understand.

You're not making them feel safe

No one wants to put their neck on the line for something they’re not 100% sure about, and that's a fact. And that’s why it's a part of your job to make sure they feel comfortable with everything (i.e the investment and the risks involved).

One way you can ensure the customer feels safe is making sure you offer any purchase protection terms — such as full refunds or money back if certain results aren't met/achieved — and highlight those naturally throughout your conversation.

You're not selling value

Buyers simply care about how a product or service is going to make their lives easier/better. When you sell the value of the product, you’re positioning your offer to be something your target customer can’t be without.

So when you work with your target customer, help them get a clear understanding on how much simpler, better, and easier life will be once they take you up on your offer. This communicates the value your product/service can add to their lives, and they will be more likely to make room in their budget for it, because life without it will seem much more expensive in the long run.

Your sales strategy is broken

If you find many people don’t make it far in your sales process, that’s a good indication there's something broken your end - something that truly needs to be addressed. Go through your sales process step by step and identify areas that could be improved to achieve a better experience for your customers.

And sometimes it can be hard to identify what's wrong about your sales process yourself so ask a team member or fellow salesperson their opinion and work with them to make the experience the best it can be. It's a learning process you need to take seriously in the game that is SALES!

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