Boost the level of engagement on your website by adding social media content from multiple channels to your site with EmbedFeed. It’s the newest app in Avanty’s app and it gives you a social media aggregator widget that collects content across multiple social media accounts to display on your website. This new app comes with ALL Avanty plans.
EmbedFeed works seamlessly, enabling you to connect multiple social accounts from various popular social media platforms, including Instagram, TikTok and YouTube. Posts automatically sync a few hours after they are posted on social media, so you don’t need to spend any time updating or refreshing the widget yourself.
You can simply set up this new widget with a simple 1-click integration with your social media accounts. How awesome is that!?
With this new app, you can:
We recommend you embed a live Instagram hashtag or account posts, YouTube, TikTok or Vimeo videos, stream your website, and build a community around your brand identity. This ensures you connect with people who share your interests and convert website visitors to your followers. Win win situation!
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Leicester, LE19 1SY