New Widget: Add Breadcrumbs to Sites
Evangeline Walker • May 27, 2024

Avanty delivers yet again on one of your most requested widgets! You can now add breadcrumbs to sites - one of the most important site navigation elements.

A computer screen with a popup that says `` home page > about > contact us ''.

What are breadcrumbs?

Breadcrumb navigation or breadcrumb menu is the small text path you’ll usually find on the top of the page, that indicates where you are within a website. For example, if you’re browsing men’s shoes in an online store, you might see something like this on top of the page: Home > Men > Shoes. Usually, every step of that path is clickable, and goes all the way back to the site’s homepage. This way the site visitor can browse easily and know where he is at all times.

Google loves it

Adding the breadcrumbs widget will instantly offer two essential benefits.

  1. Breadcrumbs are wonderful for SEO. Why? Because it makes it easy for search engines like Google to crawl the site and understand its hierarchy. Also, breadcrumbs offer links to other parts of the website, so Google can have more context and identify related website pages.
  2. Breadcrumbs are a Google favorite. The widget automatically embeds schema on the current viewed page’s context. Avanty handles all the hard parts of managing schema for different pages or contexts in which breadcrumbs exist. You can verify this by using Google's Rich Results test after adding breadcrumbs to an inner page of the site. 

In a nutshell, adding schema to your site pages helps Google better understand where a page fits in the site and potentially will get Google to show the page hierarchy directly from the search results.

Site visitors rely on it

Site visitors rely on breadcrumbs to navigate through the site. Having those links visible on top of the page gives visitors a sense of confidence and control, two important feelings that make for a positive user experience.

Adding and editing the breadcrumbs widget

To add the widget to a site, open the Widgets panel and add Breadcrumbs to the page when editing the site. It’s best if you add it to the header section, so it appears on all the pages of the site, so you won’t have to add it manually to every page. Once added, you can edit the breadcrumbs’ look and feel, namely the links, folders and dividers.

The breadcrumbs widget works with all site templates, and with various site pages to suit your customers’ needs. Page types include static, dynamic, and online store pages, to name a few. Plus, you’ll be glad to know that this widget supports multilingual content!

Add the Breadcrumbs widget to your next site to boost your client's site with SEO and user experience benefits.

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