New Template: Insurance Company
Evangeline Walker • May 27, 2024

A new template has landed, and it’s a great choice for insurance agencies, service providers, and various professionals.

A collage of three images of people on a website.

This easy-to-use professional template offers ample spaces for content and service descriptions. Tailor this template to your client’s needs by adjusting the texts and design to build a polished and appealing website presenting their business.

By using the following carefully chosen set of colors, this template creates a sense of confidence, and it increases trust among site visitors:

A color palette with primary colors and secondary colors

This template has everything you need to have a professional website set up fast:

  • A homepage -  the first point of entry. This is where the important information should be.
  • All insurance products - a page listing all available products and services.
  • Life insurance page -  a dedicated page for showing in-depth info about a specific product or service. 
  • A claims page - a page offering general overview of insurance claims.
  • A claim info - a page detailing the process of how to file an insurance claim.
  • Resources (blog) page - a blog page where site visitors can get additional info and resources.
  • Contact page - a page where site visitors can get in touch.

Additional template components perfect for insurance

Breadcrumbs navigation widget

This template comes with a breadcrumbs navigation widget - the small text path you’ll usually find on the top of site pages that indicates where you are within a website (for example, Home > Men’s > Shoes). Breadcrumbs are great for SEO and user experience.

FAQ & claims process

The accordion widget is used in several places in the template. FAQs are a great tool for answering site visitors' potential questions in advance in an easy to use, visually pleasing way. This puts prospect customers at ease.


Blogs are a wonderful addition for any site. But in this case, the blog serves 2 important goals:

  1. It offers site visitors additional info and industry related content. This lets site visitors feel there’s a serious and professional business operating this website.
  2. Search engines love websites that show content updates on a regular basis. So regularly maintaining a blog with original and relevant content can help your site rank higher on relevant search results.

Here’s how to reproduce the homepage design

  1. Add a row below the header. Set the top padding to 50px, the bottom to 40px, the left to 100px and the right to 40px.
  2. Add a text widget. Set the style to Heading 1. Set the color to #144439 and the text size to 60px.
  3. Add a button below the text and add your textual content. Align the button to the left. Set the button color to #007559.
  4. Add another row below. Set it to full bleed and reset all paddings to 0px.
  5. Add 3 columns to the row, to make it a total of 4 columns.

Modify the columns:

What to add to column 1

  1. Add a background image and set the position to full and middle bottom.
  2. Add a spacer widget.

What to add to column 2

  1. Set the left margin to 20px.
  2. Add a background image and set the position to full and middle bottom.
  3. Add a spacer widget.

What to add to column 3

  1. Adjust it so the column is wider than the one on the right.
  2. Set the left margin to 20px.
  3. Add a background image and set the position to cover and center.
  4. Add a spacer widget and set its height to 560px.

What to add to column 4

  1. Set the left margin to 20px.
  2. Add a background image and set the position to full and middle bottom.
  3. Add a spacer widget.

Now adjust the design for mobile screens

Change the editor’s view to mobile view and adjust the design:

Top row

  1. Set the top and bottom padding to 50px.
  2. Set text size to 35px.

Bottom row 

  1. Set the top and bottom padding to 0px. 
  2. Change the row layout to 2 columns.

Top left column

  1. Set the spacer widget’s height to 170px.

Bottom left column

  1. Set the spacer widget height to 170px.
  2. Set the background image position to cover and center.

Get started with the insurance template today, and build a professional website for your clients.

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