Merchants in Italy and Brazil can now ask customers to enter their additional tax-related information (individual tax codes or business VAT IDs), when placing orders.
Business customers can get a VAT reverse charge when applicable. Merchants will see if a customer requested a tax invoice (this info is displayed on the order details page). They can then issue an invoice in their preferred invoicing software.
The additional tax fields that will appear at checkout are Codice Fiscale (fiscal code of direct Italian customers) or Partita Iva (VAT ID of business customers).
Brazilian merchants can collect the following information: CPF (fiscal code of direct Brazilian customers) or CNPJ (VAT ID of business customers).
Soon we’ll be adding two new tax ID fields (IČO and DIČ) for new merchants from the Czech Republic and Slovakia, and one additional field (PEC email / SDI code) for B2B merchants from Italy.
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